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Image by Shapelined


All interested parties should contact CCT & include:​

  • Article topic​

  • Brief description of article

  • Projected completion date based on author’s schedule



Written in informal style using correct English:

  • Word count: 400 – 4,000

  • Microsoft Word document

  • Abstracts should not be included

  • Include references

  • Pictures, graphs, and figures

    • File formats; jpg, png or pdf

    • High resolution – at least 300 dpi (dots per inch)

    • Submit as individual files

    • Number all pictures, graphs, and figures

    • Include brief captions

Title page should contain:

  • A brief title

  • List all authors and include for each

    • Full name and professional degrees

    • Current position

    • Institutional affiliations

    • High resolution headshot – at least 300 dpi (dots per inch)

  • For the principal author

    • List first

    • Full name and professional degrees

    • Current position

    • Institutional affiliations

    • High resolution headshot – at least 300 dpi (dots per inch)

    • Provide contact information (phone, email, mailing address)

Published articles become the property of Congenital Cardiology Today and may not be published, copied, or reproduced elsewhere without permission from Congenital Cardiology Today.

Articles are solicited by members of the Editorial Board but readers or interested parties can also reach out and submit articles directly to CCT. Most articles are published in our cardiology journal within six months of the submission date.

© 2024 Congenital Cardiology Today - ISSN 1554-7787 (print) - ISSN 1554-0499 (electronic) - Published Monthly - All Rights Reserved.
Statements and opinions expressed in Congenital Cardiology Today reflect the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of

Congenital Cardiology Today.

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