There are two monthly editions; North American and International. The North American Edition is available in print and electronically. The International Edition is available only in electronic format.
Our mission is to provide reliable and timely information on Congenital & Structural Heart Disease.


How It All Began
In the early 1990s, Tony Carlson, Founder of Congenital Cardiology Today, and Dr. John Moore, a well-known Pediatric Cardiologist and Medical Director of Cardiology at Rady Children’s Hospital were neighbors. Their children were friends and on the same sports teams. John and Tony spent many years watching their children grow up together. One day Tony asked John what he did for a living and John explained that he was a Pediatric Cardiologist, which was like being a tiny plumber, clearing blockages, and treating other heart problems in children. Tony told John he created and published custom publications for technology companies such as Microsoft and HP, among others, focused on solving problems for their customers.
At the time, John saw a problem in the publication industry that needed to be solved; a publication focused on Pediatric Cardiology. After 10 years of talking about it, Tony and John finally launched Pediatric Cardiology Today in September 2003. It was very well received!
In 2005, Tony and John decided to change the name of the publication to its current name, Congenital Cardiology Today (CCT). This change was born from the idea as children grow and become adults, their congenital heart problems are still with them. The new name, Congenital Cardiology Today, encompasses a broader section of Cardiologists that serve both pediatric and adult patients.