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Authored by a doctor
Similar content as your upcoming meeting
Reference the upcoming meeting and include the date, location and event website
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Check out the article on p. 6 by Dr. James, The Heart Summit Reaches New Heights in Multi-Modality Medical Education
She submitted this article to CCT with content similar to an upcoming meeting the Herma Heart Institute was hosting
At the end of the article it references the information for the upcoming meeting
This is a great way to peak the interest of colleagues
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- Ads should start approximately 3-4 months before your meeting
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Submit a summary article at no charge
Authored by a doctor
After the meeting
Reference the next meeting date, location and website
Include pictures from the event
​Check out the article on p. 12 by Dr. Moore, SCAI 2019: Congenital Track Hosted a Blowout in Las Vegas!
He submitted this article to CCT as a recap of the highlights from the meeting along with photos
At the end of the article it references the information for next year's meeting