By Preston Boyer, MD; Philippe Mercier, MD; Anne Gildehaus, CPNP-AC; Saadeh Jureidini, MD
Transcatheter snare-assisted retrieval of retained intravascular catheter fragments is now the method of choice for removal of these fragments.1 This technique may not be successful if both ends of the catheter fragment are well-adherent to the vessel wall and/or cardiac chambers. Review of the literature reveals no uniform recommendation for such a condition. We present, herewith, a case report where both ends of a ventriculo-atrial (VA) shunt catheter fragment were ahered to vascular tissues, and not responsive to snare removal. We discuss our rationale for the treatment choice we made in this case based on our experience and literature review, as well as long-term follow-up of this patient.
To read the full article, please go to the February 2018 Issue of CCT, where it was originally published.